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  • Modern Dental Assisting,14e

    (해외배송 가능상품)
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    기본 정보
    도서명: Modern Dental Assisting,14e
    정   가: 210,000원
    판매가: 189,000원
    적립금: 5,670원 (3%)
    저   자: Debbie S. Robinson
    출판사: Elsevier
    ISBN  : 9780323824408
    출판일: 2023.05
    판   형: Hardcover
    수량: 수량증가수량감소
    판   수: 14e
    면   수: 1120 page
    해외주문도서: 해외 및 국내 입고 사정에 따라 2~4주 이상 소요될 수 있으며 - 해외주문은 취소 및 반품이 불가합니다.
    배송방법: 택배
    배송비: 2,500원 (30,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
    구매안내: 네이버페이로 구매할 수 없는 상품입니다.
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    의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

    Easily master all aspects of dental assisting with the most up-to-date and trusted text available. For more than 45 years, students and practitioners alike have relied on Modern Dental Assisting for its cutting-edge content, easy-to-grasp writing style, step-by-step procedures, and top-notch visuals. And the new 14th edition is no exception. With updated content — including the latest technological advancements, clinical photographs, and coverage of cultural diversity and how it relates to patient care — this new edition will guide you from your first day of class all the way to your first job in dental assisting.

    New to this edition

    NEW! Expanded coverage of digital technology topics in general dentistry and dental specialties prepares you to work in modern dental settings.
    NEW! Additional illustrations enhance an already stellar art program, with more than 1,700 images.
    NEW! Consistent chapter organization with modernized learning outcomes help you understand important topics more easily.
    UPDATED! Dentrix Learning Edition based on Dentrix G7.3, available for download on the companion Evolve website, gives you experience working with practice management software.
    UPDATED! Revised Dentrix exercises on the Evolve companion website correlate with the updated Dentrix Learning Edition software.

    Key Features

    Comprehensive, cutting-edge content presented in an approachable writing style aids comprehension.
    Step-by-step procedures for general and expanded functions include helpful color-coding and photos.
    Chapter features include recall questions throughout; boxes on infection control and CDC practices; and end-of-chapter elements regarding patient education, law and ethics, future trends, and critical thinking.
    Key terminology list offers definitions, visual highlights within chapter discussions, and an alphabetized list in the glossary with cross-references to chapter locations.
    Learning and performance outcomes address didactic knowledge and clinical skills mastery.


    PART 1: The Dental Assisting Profession

    1. History of Dentistry
    2. The Dental Healthcare Team
    3. The Professional Dental Assistant
    4. Ethics and Code of Conduct in Dentistry
    5. Dentistry and the Law

    PART 2: Sciences in Dentistry

    6. General Anatomy
    7. General Physiology
    8. Oral Embryology and Histology
    9. Head and Neck Anatomy
    10. Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity
    11. Overview of the Dentitions
    12. Tooth Morphology

    PART 3: Oral Health and Prevention of Dental Disease

    13. Impact of Oral Public Health
    14. Nutrition
    15. Dental Caries Preventive Dentistry
    16. Periodontal Disease
    17. Oral Pathology

    PART 4: Infection Prevention in Dentistry

    18. Microbiology
    19. Disease Transmission and Infection Prevention
    20. Principles and Techniques of Disinfection
    21. Principles and Techniques of Instrument Processing and Sterilization

    PART 5: Occupational Health and Safety

    22 Regulatory and Advisory Agencies
    23. Chemical and Waste Management
    24. Dental Unit Waterlines
    25. Ergonomics

    PART 6: Patient Information and Assessment

    26. The Patient's Dental Record
    27. Vital Signs
    28. Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
    29. The Special Needs and Medically Compromised Patient
    30. Principles of Pharmacology
    31. Assisting in a Medical Emergency

    PART 7: Foundation of Clinical Dentistry

    32. The Dental Office
    33. Delivering Dental Care
    34. Dental Hand Instruments
    35. Dental Handpieces and Accessories
    36. Moisture Control
    37. Anesthesia and Pain Control

    PART 8: Radiographic Imaging

    38. Foundations of Radiography, Radiographic Equipment, and Radiologic Safety
    39. Dental Imaging, Dental Film, and Processing Radiographs
    40. Legal Issues, Quality Assurance, and Infection Prevention
    41. Intraoral Imaging
    42. Extraoral Imaging

    PART 9: Dental Materials

    43. Restorative and Esthetic Dental Materials
    44. Dental Liners, Bases, and Bonding Systems
    45. Dental Cements
    46. Impression Materials and Methods
    47. Laboratory Materials and Procedures

    PART 10: Assisting in Comprehensive Dental Care

    48. General Dentistry
    49. Matrix Systems for Restorative Dentistry
    50. Fixed Prosthodontics
    51. Provisional Coverage
    52. Removable Prosthodontics
    53. Dental Implants
    54. Endodontics
    55. Periodontics
    56. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    57. Pediatric Dentistry
    58. Coronal Polishing
    59. Dental Sealants
    60. Orthodontics

    PART 11: Dental Administration and Communication Skills

    61. Communication in the Dental Office
    62. Business Operating Systems
    63. Financial Management in the Dental Office
    64. Marketing Your Skills


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