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    Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine

    (해외배송 가능상품)
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    기본 정보
    도서명: Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine
    정   가: 280,000원
    판매가: 252,000원
    적립금: 7,560원 (3%)
    저   자: Murugan Ramalingam
    출판사: CRC Press
    ISBN  : 9781439879252
    출판일: 2012.07
    판   형: Hardcover
    수량: 수량증가수량감소
    판   수: 1/e
    면   수: 564 page
    해외주문도서: 해외 및 국내 입고 사정에 따라 2~4주 이상 소요될 수 있으며 - 해외주문은 취소 및 반품이 불가합니다.
    배송방법: 택배
    배송비: 2,500원 (30,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
    구매안내: 네이버페이로 구매할 수 없는 상품입니다.
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    의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다

     Work in the area of biomaterials and stem cell therapy has revealed great potential for many applications, from the treatment of localized defects and diseases to the repair and replacement of whole organs. Researchers have also begun to develop a better understanding of the cellular environment needed for optimal tissue repair and regeneration. Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine explores a range of applications for biomaterials and stem cell therapy and describes recent research on suitable cell scaffolds and substrates for tissue repair and reconstruction.

    Featuring contributions by experts in the field, the book explores important scientific and clinical aspects. It covers the basic science involved in structure and properties, techniques and technological innovations in processing and characterization, and applications of biomaterials and stem cells.


    • Polymeric systems for stem cell delivery
    • The potential of membranes and porous scaffolds in tissue repair, including myocardial, periodontal, ophthalmic, and bone tissues
    • The optimization of the interaction between stem cells and biomaterial substrates
    • The source and nature of stem cells for tissue engineering applications
    • The clinical translation of stem cell–based tissue engineering for regenerative medicine

    From fundamental principles to recent advances at the macro, micro, nano, and molecular scales, the book brings together current knowledge on biomaterials and stem cells in the context of regenerative medicine. It also stimulates discussion about future research directions.

    This unique book offers a valuable benchmark for the current status of clinically relevant research and development in stem cells and regenerative medicine. It bridges the gaps in experimental approaches and understanding among the materials science and engineering, biological sciences, and biomedical science and engineering communities, making it a valuable reference for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in the multidisciplinary field of biomedical research. 


    Identification and Application of Polymers as Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
    Claire N. Medine, Ferdous Khan, Salvatore Pernagallo, Rong Zhang, Olga Tura, Mark Bradley, and David C. Hay

    Hydrogel as Stem Cell Niche for In Vivo Applications in Regenerative Medicine
    Xiaokang Li, Claudia Wittkowske, Rui Yao, and Yanan Du

    Fabrication and Application of Gradient Hydrogels in Cell and Tissue Engineering
    Azadeh Seidi, Serge Ostrovidov, and Murugan Ramalingam

    Smart Biomaterial Scaffold For In Situ Tissue Regeneration
    Jaehyun Kim, Sunyoung Joo, In Kap Ko, Anthony Atala, James J. Yoo, and Sang Jin Lee

    Fabrication of 3D Scaffolds and Organ Printing for Tissue Regeneration
    Ferdous Khan and Sheikh Rafi Ahmad

    Natural Membranes as Scaffold for Biocompatible Aortic Valve Leaflets: Perspectives from Pericardium?
    Maria Cristina Vinci, Francesca Prandi, Barbara Micheli, Giulio Tessitore, Anna Guarino, Luca Dainese, Gianluca Polvani, and Maurizio Pesce

    Spatially Designed Nanofibrous Membranes for Periodontal Tissue Regeneration
    Marco C. Bottino, Yogesh K. Vohra, and Vinoy Thomas

    Autoinductive Scaffolds for Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
    Esmaiel Jabbari and Murugan Ramalingam

    Ophthalmic Applications of Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine
    Victoria Kearns, Rosalind Stewart, Sharon Mason, Carl Sheridan, and Rachel Williams

    Calcium Phosphates as Scaffolds for Mesenchymal Stem Cells
    Iain R. Gibson

    Bioactive Glasses as Composite Components: Technological Advantages and Bone Tissue Engineering Applications
    Elzbieta Pamula, Katarzyna Cholewa-Kowalska, Mariusz Szuta, and Anna M. Osyczka

    Processing Metallic Biomaterials for a Better Cell Response
    Ioana Demetrescu, Daniela Ionita, and Cristian Pirvu

    Osteogenic Adult Stem Cells and Titanium Constructs for Repair and Regeneration
    Marcus J. Tillotson and Peter M. Brett

    Stem Cell Response to Biomaterial Topography
    Luong T.H. Nguyen, Susan Liao, Casey K. Chan, and Seeram Ramakrishna

    Growth Factors, Stem Cells, Scaffolds and Biomaterials for Tendon Regeneration
    James Zhenggui Tang, Guo-Qiang Chen, and Nicholas R. Forsyth

    Biomaterials and Stem Cells for Myocardial Repair
    Jiashing Yu, Chao-Min Cheng, and Randall J. Lee

    Perinatal Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine
    Bridget M. Deasy, Jordan E. Anderson, Kelley J. Colopietro, and Yong Li

    Adult Stem Cell Survival Strategies
    Melanie Rodrigues, Linda G. Griffith, and Alan Wells

    Immunobiology of Biomaterial/Mesenchymal Stem Cell Interactions
    Peiman Hematti and Summer Hanson

    Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Tissue Engineering in Urology
    Guihua Liu, Chunhua Deng, and Yuanyuan Zhang

    Umbilical Cord Matrix Mesenchymal Stem Cells: A Potential Allogenic Cell Source for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
    N.S. Remya and Prabha D. Nair

    Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Tissue Regeneration
    Odessa Yabut, Carissa Ritner, and Harold S. Bernstein

    Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cell–Biomaterial Constructs for Tissue Reconstruction
    Summer Hanson and Peiman Hematti

    Clinical Aspects of the Use of Stem Cells and Biomaterials for Bone Repair and Regeneration
    Roger A. Brooks

    Clinical Translation of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Technologies
    Alejandro Nieponice



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