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    1. 해외도서

    Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging,3/e

    (해외배송 가능상품)
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    기본 정보
    도서명: Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging,3/e
    정   가: 340,000원
    판매가: 323,000원
    적립금: 6,460원 (2%)
    저   자: Herbert B. Newton
    출판사: Academic Press
    ISBN  : 9780128228357
    출판일: 2022.08
    판   형: Hardcover
    수량: 수량증가수량감소
    판   수: 3/e
    면   수: 850 page
    해외주문도서: 해외 및 국내 입고 사정에 따라 2~4주 이상 소요될 수 있으며 - 해외주문은 취소 및 반품이 불가합니다.
    배송방법: 택배
    배송비: 2,500원 (30,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
    구매안내: 네이버페이로 구매할 수 없는 상품입니다.
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    Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging,3/e 수량증가 수량감소 (  6460)
    총 상품금액(수량) : 0 (0개)

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     의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다.

    Although the field of Neuro-Oncology has grown considerably in the last 10 to 15 years and has a rather extensive literature, there are no comprehensive, “single-source” books that summarize the current literature and future trends of neuroimaging in neuro-oncology. This book covers this topic in more comprehensive fashion, making it an important addition to the armamentarium of physicians that care for patients with brain tumors and other neuro-oncological disorders. Well-founded in basic science, it includes chapters that provide an overview of relevant background material in critical areas such as physics, contrast agents, ultra-high field brain MRI, and molecular imaging.


    Section I.  Overview of Neuro-Oncological Disorders 1. Overview of Brain Tumor Epidemiology 2. Overview of Pathology and Treatment of Primary Brain Tumors 3. Overview of Pathology and Treatment of Metastatic Brain Tumors 4. Overview of Spinal Cord Tumor Epidemiology 5. Overview of Pathology and Treatment of Primary Spinal Cord Tumors 6. Overview of Pathology and Treatment of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Metastases 7. Epidural Spinal Cord Compression in Adult Neoplasms 8. Neoplast
    Section I.  Overview of Neuro-Oncological Disorders

    1. Overview of Brain Tumor Epidemiology
    2. Overview of Pathology and Treatment of Primary Brain Tumors
    3. Overview of Pathology and Treatment of Metastatic Brain Tumors
    4. Overview of Spinal Cord Tumor Epidemiology
    5. Overview of Pathology and Treatment of Primary Spinal Cord Tumors
    6. Overview of Pathology and Treatment of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Metastases
    7. Epidural Spinal Cord Compression in Adult Neoplasms
    8. Neoplastic Meningitis
    9. Vascular Disorders: Epidemiology
    10. Intracranial Hemorrhage in Cancer Patients
    11. CNS Infarction
    12. Intracranial Veno-Occlusive Disease
    13. Paraneoplastic Syndromes
    14. Neoplastic Plexopathies 15. Neurologic Complications of Oncologic Therapy

    Section II.  Physics and Basic Science of Neuro-Imaging

    16. Physics of CT: Scanning
    17. Physics of CT: Contrast Agents
    18. Introductory MRI Physics
    19. Advanced MR Imaging of Brain Tumors
    20. MR Contrast Agents for Neuroradiology: Current Status
    21. Physics of High Field MRI and Applications to Brain Tumor Imaging

    Section III.  Advances in Neuro-Imaging of Brain Tumors

    22. Magnetic Resonance Image Guided Neurosurgery
    23. Neurosurgical Treatment Planning
    24. Use of Neuro-Imaging for Radiation Therapy Planning
    25. TTFields Therapy:  Preclinical and Clinical Data
    26. Applications of Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Neuro-Oncology
    27. Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Brain Tumors
    28. Diffusion Imaging of Brain Tumors
    29. Functional MRI
    30. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
    31. Perfusion Imaging for Brain Tumor Characterization and Assessment of Treatment Response
    32. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Physics
    33. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Imaging
    34. Methionine PET - Overview and Application to Brain Tumor Imaging and Treatment
    35. Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Tumors
    36. Neuroimaging of Brain Tumors in Animal Models of CNS Cancer
    37. RANO Criteria:  Application to Response Assessment in Clinical Trials

    Section IV.  Neuro-Imaging of Brain Tumors

    38. Malignant Astrocytomas 39. Low Grade Astrocytomas
    40. Imaging of Oligodendrogliomas
    41. Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
    42. Pituitary and Sellar region Lesions
    43. Neoplasms of the Cranial Nerves
    44. Meningeal tumors
    45. Intracranial Schwannomas
    46. Diencephalic and other deep brain tumors
    47. Neuro-Imaging of Glioneuronal Tumors
    48. Pineal region tumors
    49. Chordomas and other skull base tumors
    50. Pediatric brain tumors
    51. Papillary Glioneuronal Tumors
    52. Intracranial Metastases
    53. Non-Neoplastic mass lesions of the CNS
    54. Neuroimaging Issues in Assessing Response to Brain Tumor Therapy
    55. Pseudoprogression in Neuro-Oncology: Overview, Pathophysiology, and Interpretation
    56. Pitfalls in the Neuroimaging of Brain Tumors

    Section V.  Neuro-Imaging of Other Neuro-Oncological Syndromes

    57. Neuroradiology of Leptomeningeal Metastases
    58. Imaging of Epidural Spinal Cord Compression
    59. Neuro-imaging for Surgical Treatment Planning of Neoplastic Disease of the Spine
    60. Imaging of Plexopathy in Oncologic Patients
    61. Imaging of Peripheral Neurogenic Tumors
    62. Neuro-Imaging of Cerebrovascular Complications in Cancer Patients
    63. Neuroimaging of Paraneoplastic Syndromes

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