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  • High-Throughput Screening Methods in Toxicity Testing

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    도서명: High-Throughput Screening Methods in Toxicity Testing
    정   가: 210,000원
    판매가: 199,500원
    적립금: 5,980원 (3%)
    저   자: Pablo Steinberg
    출판사: Wiley-Blackwell
    ISBN  : 9781118065631
    출판일: 2013.03
    판   형: Hardcover l 570 page
    수량: 수량증가수량감소
    해외주문도서: 해외 및 국내 입고 사정에 따라 2~4주 이상 소요될 수 있으며 - 해외주문은 취소 및 반품이 불가합니다.
    배송방법: 택배
    배송비: 2,500원 (30,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
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    의학서적전문 온라인서점 "성보의학서적"의 신간도서입니다.


    High-Throughput Screening Methods in Toxicity Testing


    Explores the benefits and limitations of the latest high-throughput screening methods

    With its expert coverage of high-throughput in vitro screening methods for toxicity testing, this book makes it possible for researchers to accelerate and streamline the evaluation and risk assessment of chemicals and drugs for toxicity. Moreover, it enables them to comply with the latest standards set forth by the U.S. National Research Council's "Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and Strategy" and the E.U.'s REACH legislation. Readers will discover a variety of state-of-the-science, high-throughput screening methods presented by a group of leading authorities in toxicology and toxicity testing.

    High-Throughput Screening Methods in Toxicity Testing is divided into five parts:

    • General aspects, including predicting the toxicity potential of chemicals and drugs via high-throughput bioactivity profiling
    • Assessing different cytotoxicity endpoints
    • Assessing DNA damage and carcinogenesis
    • Assessing reproductive toxicity, cardiotoxicity, and haematotoxicity
    • Assessing drug metabolism and receptor-related toxicity

    Each chapter describes method principles and includes detailed information about data generation, data analysis, and applications in risk assessment. The authors not only enumerate the advantages of each high-throughput method over comparable conventional methods, but also point out the high-throughput method's limitations and potential pitfalls. In addition, the authors describe current research efforts to make high-throughput toxicity screening even more cost effective and streamlined.

    Throughout the book, readers will find plenty of figures and illustrations to help them understand and perform the latest high-throughput toxicity screening methods.

    This book is ideal for toxicologists and other researchers who need to implement high-throughput screening methods for toxicity testing in their laboratories as well as for researchers who need to evaluate the data generated by these methods.


    -  목  차 -


    PREFACE ix



    1 ToxCast: Predicting Toxicity Potential Through High-Throughput
    Bioactivity Profiling 3
    Keith A. Houck, Ann M. Richard, Richard S. Judson, Matthew T. Martin, David M. Reif, and Imran Shah

    2 High-Throughput Toxicity Testing in Drug Development: Aims, Strategies, and Novel Trends 33
    Willem G.E.J. Schoonen, Walter M.A. Westerink, Femke M. van de Water, and Horbach G. Jean

    3 Incorporating Human Dosimetry and Exposure Information with High-Throughput Screening Data in Chemical Toxicity Assessment 77
    Barbara A. Wetmore and Russell S. Thomas

    4 The Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in High-Throughput Toxicity Assays 97
    Xin Huang, Dan-yan Zhu, and Yi-jia Lou



    5 High-Throughput Screening Assays for the Assessment of Cytotoxicity 109
    Andrew L. Niles, Richard A. Moravec, Tracy J. Worzella, Nathan J. Evans, and Terry L. Riss

    6 High-Throughput Flow Cytometry Analysis of Apoptosis 129
    Francesca de Giorgi and Franc¸ois Ichas

    7 High Content Imaging-Based Screening for Cellular Toxicity Pathways 143
    Bram Herpers and Bob van de Water

    8 The Keratinosens Assay: A High-Throughput Screening Assay to Assess Chemical Skin Sensitization 159
    Andreas Natsch

    9 High-Throughput Screening Assays to Assess Chemical Phototoxicity 177
    Satomi Onoue, Yoshiki Seto, and Shizuo Yamada



    10 Ames IITM and Ames Liquid Format Mutagenicity Screening Assays 193
    Kamala Pant

    11 High-Throughput Bacterial Mutagenicity Testing: VitotoxTM Assay 213
    Luc Verschaeve

    12 Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity: Regulatory and Novel Test Methods 233
    Walter M.A. Westerink, Joe C.R. Stevenson, G. Jean Horbach, Femke M. van de Water, Beppy van de Waart, and Willem G.E.J. Schoonen

    13 High-Throughput Genotoxicity Testing: The Greenscreen Assay 271
    Jorg Blumel and Nadine Krause

    14 High-Throughput Assays to Quantify the Formation of DNA Strand Breaks 285
    Marýa Moreno-Villanueva and Alexander Burkle

    15 High-Throughput Versions of the Comet Assay 295
    Irene Witte and Andre Stang

    16 Automated Soft Agar Colony Formation Assay for the High-Throughput Screening of Malignant Cell Transformation 309
    Pablo Steinberg

    17 High-Throughput Quantification of Morphologically Transformed Foci in Bhas 42 Cells (v-Ha-ras Transfected BALB/c 3T3) Using Spectrophotometry 317
    Kiyoshi Sasaki, Ayako Sakai, and Noriho Tanaka



    18 ReProGlo: A New Stem-Cell-Based High-Throughput Assay to Predict the Embryotoxic Potential of Chemicals 343
    Frederik Uibel and Michael Schwarz

    19 Embryonic Stem Cell Test (EST): Molecular Endpoints Toward High-Throughput Analysis of Chemical Embryotoxic Potential 357
    Peter T. Theunissen, Esther de Jong, Joshua F. Robinson, and Aldert H. Piersma

    20 Zebrafish Development: High-Throughput Test Systems to Assess Developmental Toxicity 371
    Stephanie Padilla

    21 Single Cell Imaging Cytometry-Based High-Throughput Analysis of Drug-Induced Cardiotoxicity 385
    Min Jung Kim and Joon Myong Song

    22 High-Throughput Screening Assays to Evaluate the Cardiotoxic Potential of Drugs 403
    Carl-Fredrik Mandenius and Thomas Meyer

    23 High-Throughput Screening Assays to Evaluate the Hematotoxic Potential of Drugs 421
    Caroline Haglund, Rolf Larsson, and Martin Hoglund



    24 High-Throughput Enzyme Biocolloid Systems for Drug Metabolism and Genotoxicity Profiling Using LC–MS/MS 433
    James F. Rusling and John Schenkman

    25 Higher-Throughput Screening Methods to Identify Cytochrome P450 Inhibitors and Inducers: Current Applications and Practice 453
    David M. Stresser and George Zhang

    26 High-Throughput Yeast-Based Assays to Study Receptor-Mediated Toxicity 479
    Johanna Rajasarkka and Marko Virta

    27 Evaluating the Peroxisomal Phenotype in High Content Toxicity Profiling 501
    Jonathan Z. Sexton and Kevin P. Williams

    28 A Panel of Quantitative Calux R  Reporter Gene Assays for Reliable High-Throughput Toxicity Screening of Chemicals and Complex Mixtures 519
    Bart van der Burg, Sander van der Linden, Hai-yen Man, Roos Winter, Lydia Jonker, Barbara van Vugt-Lussenburg, and Abraham Brouwer

    29 DR-Calux R  : A High-Throughput Screening Assay for the Detection of Dioxin and Dioxin-Like Compounds in Food and Feed 533
    Barbara van Vugt-Lussenburg, Harrie T. Besselink, Bart van der Burg, and Abraham Brouwer

    INDEX 547

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