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  • Problem Solving in Chest Imaging,1/e

    (해외배송 가능상품)
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    기본 정보
    도서명: Problem Solving in Chest Imaging,1/e
    정   가: 230,000원
    판매가: 207,000원
    적립금: 6,210원 (3%)
    저   자: Subba R Digumarthy
    출판사: Elsevier
    ISBN  : 9780323041324
    출판일: 2019.03
    판   형: Hardcover
    수량: 수량증가수량감소
    판   수: 1/e
    면   수: 722 page
    해외주문도서: 해외 및 국내 입고 사정에 따라 2~4주 이상 소요될 수 있으며 - 해외주문은 취소 및 반품이 불가합니다.
    배송방법: 택배
    배송비: 2,500원 (30,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
    구매안내: 네이버페이로 구매할 수 없는 상품입니다.
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    의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

    Optimize diagnostic accuracy with Problem Solving in Chest Imaging, a new volume in the Problem Solving in Radiology series. This concise title offers quick, authoritative guidance from experienced radiologists who focus on the problematic conditions you're likely to see-and how to reach an accurate diagnosis in an efficient manner.

    Key Features

    •Addresses the practical aspects of chest imaging-perfect for practitioners, fellows, and senior level residents who may or may not specialize in chest radiology, but need to use and understand it.
    •Helps you make optimal use of the latest imaging techniques and achieve confident diagnoses.
    •Presents content by organ system and commonly encountered problems, with problem solving techniques integrated throughout.
    •Features more than 1,500 high-quality images that provide a clear picture of what to look for when interpreting studies.
    •Focuses on the core knowledge needed for successful results, covering anatomy, imaging techniques, imaging approach, entities by pathologic disease and anatomic region, and special situations. Key topics include Diffuse Lung Disease, Neoplasms of the Lung and Airways, Interstitial Lung Disease, Smoking-Related Lung Diseases, and Cardiovascular Disease.
    •Shows how to avoid common problems that can lead to an incorrect diagnosis. Tables and boxes with tips, pitfalls, and other teaching points show you what to look for, while problem-solving advice helps you make sound clinical decisions.
    •Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

    - 도서목차-

    Section 1 Anatomy
    1. Lungs and Pleura
    2. Mediastinum, Chest Wall, and Diaphragm
    3. Heart and Great Vessels
    4. Step By Step Analysis of Cardiac Chambers in CT
    Section 2 Imaging Techniques
    5. Radiographic Techniques
    6. Pulmonary CT
    7. Cardiovascular CT
    8. Pulmonary, Mediastinal, Vascular and Chest Wall MRI
    9. Cardiac MRI
    10. Angiography and Intervention
    11. Cardiac Radionuclide Imaging
    12. Thoracic Nuclear Imaging
    Section 3 Imaging Approach
    13. Introduction to Terminology
    14. Differential Diagnosis Based on Imaging Findings
    Section 4 Entities By Pathologic Category
    15. Congenital and Developmental Diseases Of The Lungs, Airways and Chest WallMatthew Gilman
    16. Pulmonary Infections
    17. Neoplasms of the Lung and Airways
    18. Smoking-Related Lung Diseases
    19. Idiopathic Interstitial Lung Diseases
    20. Occupational and Inhalational Lung Diseases
    21. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
    22. Eosinophilic Lung Disease
    23. Collagen Vascular Disease and Vasculitis
    24. Cystic Lung Disease
    25. Radiation, Medication, and Illicit Drug Related Lung Disease
    26. Diffuse Lung Disease with Calcification and Lipid
    27. Pulmonary Vascular Diseases
    28. Congenital Heart and Great Vessel Disease
    29. Acquired Disease of the Aorta
    30. Ischemic Cardiac Disease
    31. Cardiomyopathies and Myocarditis
    32. Cardiac and Vascular Neoplasms
    Section 5 Entities by Anatomic Region
    33. Chest Wall and Diaphragm
    34. Mediastinum
    35. Pleura
    36. Trachea and Bronchi
    37. Cardiac Valves
    38. Pericardium
    Section 6 Special Situations
    39. Intensive Care Imaging
    40. Acute Chest Pain
    41. Lung and Heart Transplantation
    42. Interventions
    43. Trauma

    - Author Information  -

     By Subba R. Digumarthy, MD, Radiologist, Massachusetts General Hospital; Assistant Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA ; Suhny Abbara, MD, Chief, Cardiothoracic Imaging Division; Professor, Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA and Jonathan H. Chung, MD, Section Chief, Thoracic Radiology, Associate Professor, The University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, USA

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