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    Travell, Simons & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual,3/e

    (해외배송 가능상품)
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    도서명: Travell, Simons & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual,3/e
    정   가: 250,000원
    판매가: 225,000원
    적립금: 4,500원 (2%)
    저   자: Joseph Donnelly PT DHS
    출판사: Lippincott W&W
    ISBN  : 9780781755603
    출판일: 2018.08
    판   형: Hardcover
    수량: 수량증가수량감소
    판   수: 3/e
    면   수: 1312 page
    배송방법: 택배
    배송비: 2,500원 (30,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
    구매안내: 네이버페이로 구매할 수 없는 상품입니다.
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    의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

    This new edition of Travell, Simons & Simons' groundbreaking work reflects the latest research and best practices associated with trigger points and updates the iconic pain point images that set the standard in the field. New lead editor Joseph M. Donnelly draws on his experience as both educator and physical therapy practitioner to integrate an evidence-based approach into this critical text. In addition, the new edition consolidates information to create a more intuitive user experience and features a completely new full color design to bring concepts to life.

    • eBook available. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
    • NEW! Consolidated: The previous edition’s two volumes– Upper Extremities and Lower Extremities—have been consolidated into one accessible book.
    • NEW! Updated research from around the world and coverage of the most current evidence-based treatments prepare readers for practice.
    • UPDATED!More integrated presentation. Information on pain is now better integrated with information on pain treatment.
    • UPDATED! In-text learning aids integrated throughout the text, including learning objectives, case studies, and Q&As, help students master the material and apply it to practice.
    • Online Patient Handouts help students identify and treat myofascial pain via trigger points.

    - Table of Contents -


    Section 1 Introduction to Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction

    1 Pain Sciences and Myofascial Pain

    2 Trigger Point Neurophysiology

    3 The Role of Muscles and Fascia in Myofascial Pain Syndrome

    4 Perpetuating Factors for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

    5 Psychosocial Considerations


    Section 2 Head and Neck Pain

    6 Trapezius Muscle

    7 Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

    8 Masseter Muscle

    9 Temporalis Muscle

    10 Medial Pterygoid Muscle

    11 Lateral Pterygoid Muscle

    12 Digastric Muscle and Anterior Neck Muscles

    13 Cutaneous I: Facial Muscles

    14 Cutaneous II: Occipitofrontalis

    15 Splenius Capitis and Splenius Cervicis Muscles

    16 Posterior Cervical Muscles: Semispinalis Capitis, Longissimus Capitis, Semispinalis Cervicis, Multifidus, and Rotatores

    17 Suboccipital Muscles

    18 Clinical Considerations of Head and Neck Pain


    Section 3 Upper Back, Shoulder, and Arm Pain

    19 Levator Scapulae Muscle

    20 Scalene Muscles

    21 Supraspinatus Muscle

    22 Infraspinatus Muscle

    23 Teres Minor Muscle

    24 Latissimus Dorsi Muscle

    25 Teres Major Muscle

    26 Subscapularis Muscle

    27 Rhomboid Minor and Major Muscles

    28 Deltoid Muscle

    29 Coracobrachialis Muscle

    30 Biceps Brachii Muscle

    31 Brachialis Muscle

    32 Triceps Brachii and Anconeus Muscles

    33 Clinical Considerations of Upper Back Shoulder and Arm Pain


    Section 4 Forearm, Wrist, and Hand Pain

    34 Wrist Extensor and Brachioradialis Muscles

    35 Extensor Digitorum and Extensor Indicis Muscles

    36 Supinator Muscle

    37 Palmaris Longus Muscle

    38 Wrist and Finger Flexors in the Forearm

    39 Adductor and Opponens Pollicis Muscles

    40 Interosseous, Lumbrical, and Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscles

    41 Clinical Considerations of Elbow, Wrist, and Hand Pain


    Section 5 Trunk and Pelvis Pain

    42 Pectoralis Major and Subclavius Muscles

    43 Sternalis Muscle

    44 Pectoralis Minor Muscle

    45 Intercostal and Diaphragm Muscles

    46 Serratus Anterior Muscle

    47 Serratus Posterior Superior and Inferior Muscles

    48 Thoracolumbar Paraspinal Muscles

    49 Abdominal Muscles

    50 Quadratus Lumborum Muscle

    51 Psoas Major, Psoas Minor, and Iliacus Muscles

    52 Pelvic Floor Muscles

    53 Clinical Considerations of Trunk and Pelvic Pain


    Section 6 Hip, Thigh, and Knee Pain

    54 Gluteus Maximus Muscle

    55 Gluteus Medius Muscle

    56 Gluteus Minimus and Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscles

    57 Piriformis, Obturator Internus, Gemelli, Obturator Externus, and Quadratus Femoris Muscles

    58 Quadriceps Femoris and Sartorius Muscles

    59 Adductor Longus, Adductor Brevis, Adductor Magnus, Pectineus, and Gracilis Muscles

    60 Hamstring Muscles

    61 Popliteus Muscle

    62 Clinical Considerations of Hip, Thigh, and Knee Pain


    Section 7 Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain

    63 Tibialis Anterior Muscle

    64 Fibularis Longus, Brevis, and Tertius Muscles

    65 Gastrocnemius Muscle

    66 Soleus and Plantaris Muscles

    67 Tibialis Posterior Muscle

    68 Long Toe Extensor Muscles

    69 Long Toe Flexor Muscles

    70 Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot

    71 Clinical Considerations of Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain


    Section 8 Treatment Considerations for Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction

    72 Trigger Point Injection and Dry Needling

    73 Manual Therapy Considerations

    74 Therapeutic Exercise Considerations

    75 Therapeutic Modality Considerations

    76 Postural Considerations

    77 Footwear Considerations


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